With our 3 person sauna’s layered modalities, the benefits are numerous!


SEE the medical grade chromotherapy

TASTE the salty air from

the Halo GX

SMELL the custom blend

of essential oils

FEEL the warmth of the infrared heat



Includes Red Light, Chromotherapy and/or Salt

1 PERSON $25

2 PEOPLE $40

3 PEOPLE $50




Most people will NOT sweat

1 PERSON $30

2 PEOPLE $45

3 PEOPLE $55




"Sweat Sesh"

1 PERSON $40

2 PEOPLE $55

3 PEOPLE $65

  • Children 12 and under are free with paid adult


Red light therapy works in skin health to:

  • Stimulate collagen production, which gives skin its structure, strength and elasticity
  • Increase fibroblast production, which makes collagen. Collagen is a component of connective tissue that builds skin
  • Increase blood circulation to the tissue
  • Reduce inflammation in cells

Benefits of Red Light therapy:

  • Reduces wrinkles, fine lines and age spots
  • Reduces stretch marks
  • Promotes wound healing and tissue repair
  • Improves facial texture
  • Promotes hair growth
  • Increases melatonin / improves sleep
  • Improves muscle recovery and energy levels
  • Improves joint health
  • Reduces pain, swelling and inflammation
  • Improves psoriasis, eczema and rosacea


What is Chromotherapy?

Chromotherapy, also called color light therapy, is the process of restoring balance to the body by applying color.

We use medical-grade chromotherapy that is very powerful, using 96 LED lights with an array of 12 colors – red, green, strong blue, orange, green, blue, strong yellow, strong indigo, strong pink, yellow, indigo, and violet.

It relies on the premise that each color is associated with a different bodily response. 

For example, red is typically associated with stimulation, while blue is considered a mentally relaxing color.

During your session, you may choose one color or you may shuffle through all colors for the many benefits

unnamed image


What is Halotherapy?

Halotherapy, also known as dry Salt Therapy, is a fast-growing, holistic approach that mimics the microclimate of a salt cave.

Clients breathe in the micro-sized salt particles, which are immediately transported to every part of the respiratory tract, even the smallest alveoli, and bronchioles. Then, the dry salt molecules dissolve and attract small impurities... the reason why it is called the "toothbrush of the lungs."

Salt therapy may eliminate the root of inflammatory respiratory illnesses in the lower and the upper tract like asthma, bronchitis as well as allergies, by destroying bacteria and restoring health and immunity.

How does it work?

Micro-sized salt particles are dispersed into an enclosed environment through a unique process generated by a halogenerator. These salt particles (less than 3 micron sized), while creating an antibacterial environment, draw out the excess moisture, the mucus and impurities that are in the airways and on the skin. Therefore, it is essential to use a high quality halogenerator that produces the right size particles in order to achieve the desired results. 

How many sessions are necessary?

Halotherapy offers the best results when practiced regularly. The benefits are cumulative, so consistency and frequency are the key. People with chronic issues will benefit greatly if visiting salt rooms at least 3-4 times a week. Those who are looking to incorporate Salt Therapy into their regular wellness routine would benefit from a weekly session. Halotherapy has been used on a daily basis without any side effects. 



Individuals who are using prescription drugs should seek the advice of their personal physician or a pharmacist for possible changes in the drugs effect when the body is exposed to Far infrared waves or elevated body temperature. Diuretics, barbiturates and beta-blockers may impair the body's natural heat loss mechanisms.

Some over the counter drugs such as antihistamines may also cause the body to be more prone to heat stroke.


The core body temperature of children rises much faster than adults. This occurs due to a higher metabolic rate per body mass, limited circulatory adaptation to increased cardiac demands and the inability to regulate body temperature by sweating. Consult with the child's Pediatrician before using the sauna.

Saunas & The Elderly

The ability to maintain core body temperature decreases with age. This is primarily due to circulatory conditions and decreased sweat gland function. The body must be able to activate its natural cooling processes in order to maintain core body temperature.

Cardiovascular Conditions

Individuals with cardiovascular conditions or problems (hypertension / hypotension), congestive heart failure, impaired coronary circulation or those who are taking medications, which might affect blood pressure, should exercise extreme caution when exposed to prolonged heat. Heat stress increases cardiac output, blood flow, in an effort to transfer internal body heat to the outside environment via the skin (perspiration) and respiratory system. This takes place primarily due to major changes in the heart rate, which has the potential to increase by thirty (30) beats per minute for each degree increase in core body temperature.

Alcohol / Alcohol Abuse

Contrary to popular belief, it is not advisable to attempt to "Sweat Out" a hangover. Alcohol intoxication decreases a person's judgment; therefore they may not realize it when the body has a negative reaction to high heat. Alcohol also increases the heart rate, which may be further increased by heat stress.

Chronic Conditions / Diseases Associated With A Reduced Ability To Sweat Or Perspire

Multiple Sclerosis, Central Nervous System Tumors and Diabetes with Neuropathy are conditions that are associated with impaired sweating.

Hemophiliacs / Individuals Prone To Bleeding

The use of Infrared saunas should be avoided by anyone who is predisposed to bleeding.


Individuals should not use the sauna when they have a fever.

Insensitivity to Heat

An individual that has insensitivity to heat should not use a sauna.


Pregnant women should consult a physician before using a sauna because fetal damage can occur with a certain elevated body temperature.


Heating of the low back area of women during the menstrual period may temporarily increase their menstrual flow. Some women endure this process to gain the pain relief commonly associated with their cycle whereas others simply choose to avoid saunas use during that time of the month.

Joint Injury

If you have a recent (acute) joint injury, it should not be heated for the first 48 hours after an injury or until the hot and swollen symptoms subside. If you have a joint or joints that are chronically hot and swollen, these joints may respond poorly to vigorous heating of any kind. Vigorous heating is strictly contra-indicated in cases of enclosed infections be they dental, in joints or in any other tissues.


Metal pins, rods, artificial joints or any other surgical implants generally reflect Far infrared waves and thus are not heated by this system, nevertheless you should consult your surgeon prior to using an Infrared Sauna.

Certainly, the usage of an Infrared Sauna must be discontinued if you experience pain near any such implants.

Silicone does absorb Far infrared energy. Implanted silicone or silicone prostheses for nose or ear replacement may be warmed by the Far infrared waves. Since silicone melts at over 200°C (392°F), it should not be adversely affected by the usage of Infrared saunas. It is still advised that you check with your surgeon and possibly a representative from the implant manufacturer to be certain.

If you have questions about Infrared Sauna heat therapy, check with your health care provider before proceeding.  


Tuberculosis, fever, contagious conditions, severe/unstable heart disorders, stage 3 COPD (in an acute state), severe hypertension, uncontrolled high blood pressure, severe kidney disease, acute inflammatory disease, existence of cancer, advanced pregnancy, acute state of respiratory attack, or any condition where salt may exacerbate symptoms or pose a risk.

The use of Salt Therapy is not intended to substitute for medical care or treatment. Do not stop your medication without first consulting with your doctor. Salt Therapy does NOT substitute for any conventional medication.

If you have any questions about Salt Therapy, check with your health care provider before proceeding. 


Current use of medications that make the skin more sensitive to light (e.g. certain antibiotics, retinoids, lithium, melatonin, phenothiazine, antipsychedelic), Pregnancy (if abdominal or pelvic area is exposed to the light), active systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or photosensitivity as a symptom should avoid red light therapy due to the potential exacerbation of skin and systemic symptoms, diseases of the eye which involve the retina, known sensitivity or allergy to red or near-infrared light, hyperthyroidism, recent burns, malignant cancers, epilepsy, fever or infection.

If you have questions about Red Light Therapy, check with your health care provider before proceeding.  


Diseases of the retina (e.g. diabetes), photosensitizing medications (e.g. lithium, melatonin, phenothiazine antipsychotics, and some antibiotics), certain skin conditions (pre-malignant skin conditions, melanoma, or bullous pemphigoid/pemphigus), people with a history of exposure to arsenic or ionizing radiation, cataracts, or photo-induced epilepsy. 

It is not advised to subject patients to red, pink, or orange tones if they have anxiety, stress, irritability, or palpitations.  This may exacerbate their problems.

Hues like blue or purple is discouraged when treating illnesses like depression, rheumatism, gout, or colds. This may exacerbate their problems.

If you have questions about Chromotherapy, check with your health care provider before proceeding.